3 Easy Tips to Conquer Spring Cleaning

3 Easy Tips to Conquer Spring Cleaning

Working from home, it's especially important for me to keep our apartment tidy. Whenever it gets cluttered I instantly feel stressed and have a hard time focusing on my work. But, a few weeks ago J and I finally got our butts in gear and decluttered it all. And, boy do I feel better! How did we do it? Keep reading to hear my 3 tips to conquer spring cleaning and get a healthier, happier home! 

3 Easy Tips to Conquer Spring Cleaning

For most people spring cleaning seems so ominous. And, while I agree that cleaning is never fun it gives you a great opportunity to get rid of all the things you keep, but never use. For me, and every other fashion blogger, that means tackling my side of the closet. A feat that I swear took a few hours! But, I felt SO much better once I had gotten rid of of the things that I never wear. 

Ever since my parents told me to read The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing I learned to only keep the pieces in our apartment that spark joy, which means we got rid of a lot. And, I do mean a lot. But, our house has never been more clean and i've never had a calmer mindset. So, without further ado here are my 3 tips to conquer spring cleaning and declutter your home: 

3 Easy Tips to Conquer Spring Cleaning3 Easy Tips to Conquer Spring Cleaning

1. Only Keep What You Love and Use

The first key to declutter your home this spring is to only keep the things you really need or love. It can be so easy to hold on to things just "in case." But, when you let go of those things your home feels cleaner, calmer and de-cluttered. For me, I have a problem holding on to clothes and accessories that I haven't worn in years. Why? Because one day I might... You get the picture. I finally got rid of those pieces a few weeks ago and I promise picking out an outfit has never been easier. And, my closet has never looked better! 

2. Get Organized

In our house spring cleaning is about so much more than just making sure we vacuum under the couch or wipe down the refrigerator shelves. We use it as an opportunity to get smart, and get organized. This time of year, we'll often tackle one or two projects every weekend. For example, last weekend we conquered our garage and went through all the things we'd been holding on to for a while. Next up? Reorganizing our kitchen shelves. My tip? Be purposeful with where you put things and what you keep and it will pay off in the long run. 

3. Only Bite Off the Projects You Can Chew

More often than not people take on all of their spring cleaning chores in one weekend. I've tried it and boys is it rough. From switching out your clothes, to cleaning your entire home and decluttering your space it's just a lot. Instead, take on one to two projects at a time and do them completely. It will help to make sure you're really satisfied when your done and not leave you feeling completely exhausted. 

3 Easy Tips to Conquer Spring Cleaning3 Easy Tips to Conquer Spring Cleaning

Do you have any spring cleaning tips? I'd love to hear them in the comments below! 




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