3 Ways to Beat the Stress of the Holiday Season

As I was scrolling through Pinterest the other day one quote caught my eye..., "It's almost time to switch from my everyday anxiety, to my fancy Christmas anxiety." Can anyone else relate to this on a crazy level? ðŸ˜‚  Movies and music always paint November and December as a serene and downright magical time of year, and of course those moments are there for me, but the day-to-day schedule can be so stressful at the same time. 

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As the countdown to Christmas races towards us, I figured it was the perfect time to share a few of the ways J and I deal with the stress of the season. And, focus on what matters most! Here's what works for us...

1. Scheduling "Us" Time 

From dinner parties, to work parties, holiday shows and everything in between it always feels like the holiday season goes by in the blink of an eye. To combat the stress of a frantic schedule, we always start the season by scheduling out a few "us" days. Whether it's staying in and enjoying the day at home or finding a fun Christmas activity, we make a point to soak up this time of year just the two of us. (and, Tyson too of course) 


2. Step Up Your Self Care 

Sure, you may be busy. But, i'm a firm believer that there's always time for a little self care. Take an hour out of your day for a bubble bath, schedule half a day at a spa or even just set aside 30 minutes for an impromptu face mask to combat the hecticness of the season.  Whatever method is your favorite, the point is take time for you. 

Short on time? Try these Self-Care ideas in 15 minutes or less. 


3. Lower Your Standards

I don't know about you, but I always go into the Holidays with a long list of wants and to-dos. I get it. You, like me, have high standards for the season and want to finish the year with everything checked off. But, he** lower the bar!  Enjoy this time of year instead of setting unrealistic expectations for your self. 


Want more Holiday? See how we Make the Most of the Holiday Season


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