3 Ways to Soak Up The Last of Summer

It's August, which means it's nearly September. So, it's basically Christmas. Or, at least that how it feels, #AmIRight? Summer always flies by in the blink of an eye, but this year it's moving at warp speed. And, given that I live in Indiana where winter is BRUTAL, i'm not about it. 

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Don't get me wrong, I love the sweaters, PSLs and bonfires that Fall brings as much as the next girl. But, I'm just not quite ready yet. Are you? If you're in the same boat as me then today's post is definitely for you. Here is my short-list of three ways to make the best of the rest of the Summer Season: 

Plan a Weekend Getaway 

Nothing says summer to me like vacation. Maybe it's the middle schooler in me, but there's nothing better than a summer "break". Sure, it may not mean the same thing when you work full-time. But i'm a firm believer that a summer vacation is good for the soul. J and I just got back from Colorado, but we're relishing the last few weeks of summer by heading to the lake this weekend with friends. Sometimes a little vacation can be just as good for you! So, whether it's camping, a quick trip to the city or a lake trip,  make time for you!

Spend More Time Outside 

I've been basically living on my tiny patio and i'm not embarrassed about it. In the winter we da*n near hibernate, so towards the end of summer I try to sit outside as much as I can. Almost every night J and I try to sit out for 30-45 minutes, have a glass of wine and catch up. It's a great way to take in the weather. We're also grilling out as much as we can before it gets too cold! 

Take In Your Summer Wardrobe

I get really excited about the sweaters that fall brings for about a month. Then i'm really over it. And while i've been distracted by the cozy Free People sweaters I ordered during the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale. I've really been trying to enjoy the last of my summer pieces. That's where this new sprinkle cami comes to play. I bought it a few weeks back and am so glad I did. It's only $35, and comes in a few different colorways that i've linked for you below! 

How do you plan on making summer last? BTW, Don't miss my guide to Faux Plants




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Pink Wrap Dress


A Real Guide to Faux Plants + Where to Buy Them