30-Minute Blissful Easter Brownies

Blissful Easter Brownies

Can you believe Easter is just a few short days away? I know I can't, but i'll take it because Easter is undoubtedly one of my favorite holidays. Spring dresses, family and pastels? Nothing could be better. I've been adding subtle spring accents to our house for the past few weeks, which have gotten me in the Easter mood. But, J's favorite way to celebrate isn't the decorations — it's the sweet treats we bake! He had a huge craving for brownies last week, hence these Blissful Easter Brownies.

Blissful Easter BrowniesBlissful Easter BrowniesBlissful Easter Brownies

I love baking treats that are incredibly easy for you sweet girls to recreate. And, these beauties certainly fit into that category. I used this Martha Stewart Recipe (I swear by it), but if you're running short on time before the weekend you could easily used a boxed brownie kit.

The topping is made from almond M&M eggs, which can be found at Target or your local grocery store. I simply added a few whole eggs to the top of each brownie after it had cooled from baking. Then I added some crushed eggs to the top to give the brownies a little bit more texture. And, that's it. Talk about a simple, time-saving recipe to get prepped, baked and decorated all before your family gets to your house this Easter! 

Blissful Easter BrowniesBlissful Easter BrowniesBlissful Easter Brownies

What sweet treats do you bake for Easter? 





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