4 Things Your Probably Didn’t Know About Simply J and K

So much about blogging is feeling comfortable sharing your life with other people. Ironically, I’ve never been much of an over-sharer, other than with family and close friends. Lately, I’ve been working hard to be a bit more personal and real on the blog, instead of just showing you outfits or rounding up things I like. Sure, there’s a place for both. But, what’s a blog if you can’t really get to know the blogger?

So, to take my sharing one step further, I figured I’d round up a few things you probably don’t know about the blog and the brand behind it.

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Let’s Talk Time

The hustle is real. And the side hustle is even more real. I work full time during the week, and most of my nights are filled with writing blog posts, editing photos and engaging on social media. My weekends are filled with styling looks, working on content plans, reaching out to brands, and shooting photos, which is by no means as glamorous as it sounds. Is it worth it? 100%. Is it tiring? H*ll yes.  

Say Cheese

One part model. 1 part photographer. 1 part editor. You wear a lot of hats as a blogger, but the biggest is without a doubt photographer. When I first started blogging, my photos were AWFUL. No, really, awful. (Fun Fact: You can view them by looking at the last pages of most of my blog categories lol)

I started with a beginner DSLR and had NO IDEA how to use it. I’ve certainly gotten a lot better (and have posts on how I shoot here and here), but it’s been a learning process for both J and I.

There’s No Such Thing as “Effortless”

People always reach out saying they wish they could be as effortless or asking how I make it look so easy. And, the reality is I’m not and I don’t. If you take a trip down Simply J and K memory lane, you’ll see I used to be really awkward in front of the camera. And, my writing used to be short and forced. It’s taken some time to get more natural, and with a little time and experience you can get there too.

PSA: Don’t ever look at someone’s blog or Instagram feed and think that you’re seeing all facets of their life. Trust me, there’s nothing worse than comparing your behind-the-scenes to someone else’s highlight reel.  

The Instagram Husband

J has been taking photos and working alongside me on this blog for the past three years, and boy can it be tough. There’s no one I’d rather have help me, but working together isn’t always easy. I’ll admit, I can be bossy and this certainly isn’t his hobby. He’s not interested in photography (but takes me photos), and honestly doesn’t really like social media. We’ve certainly had our tiffs in the middle of weekend shoot, and yes there have been tears. But, we always come out the other side and I can’t think of anyone I’d rather push my limits.

Interested in more behind-the-scenes? Check out the Dirty Truth Behind Instagram.  




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