Blueberry Scones with Lemon Glaze

My mother taught me something very important when I was little. And, that's that scones can fix anything. Truly, whenever i've had a rough week the first thing I do is head to the kitchen, get out the flour and bake. And, more often then not, fresh scones are the result. Needless to say, this classic blueberry and lemon combination is one of my tried and true recipes. And, I promise you're going to absolutely love them.

To say these are delicious would be the understatement of the century. And, I can tell you that my husband J would agree tenfold. They're so good you'll even trick yourself into thinking you're eating dessert for breakfast! And, the best part is that they're much easier to make than you think. Trust me, you don't have to be a master baker to make these sweet scones for a Sunday treat. So, here's how to make them.

[yumprint-recipe id='97']

Let me know how they turn out! 




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