Bacon Avocado Breakfast Sandwich

Boy do I have a treat for you! Monday mornings are always chaotic. No matter how much I prepare Sunday night, I always end up sleeping 10 minutes too late, running around like a crazy person and stuffing my face with a bowl full of cheerios. Anyone with me? I've been searching for healthy recipes I can make quickly so that Monday doesn't seem so scary. This bacon avocado breakfast sandwich is that recipe, and now that i've found it i'm never letting it go!

I'll admit, this recipe sounds complicated and super fancy. But, it only takes between 10 and 15 minutes to throw together. It's as easy as frying some eggs and bacon and slicing an avocado - but, it looks like your a professional chef. Bonus perk, Jordon absolutely loved it. I'm an avocado lover, but he absolutely hates them, so any time I come up with a recipe that he enjoys with avocados I do my happy dance. 

I've yet to find someone who isn't in love with breakfast sandwiches. The thing that's so great about this particular breakfast sandwich is its combination of flavors. Crispy bacon, provolone egg, and avocado seriously compliment each other perfectly. Who knew? I also love that this recipe isn't awful for you. Sure bacon isn't the best, but we used turkey bacon, which made it semi-healthy. It could easily be customized to any diet by removing the cheese, using a smaller amount of bacon, and swapping the bagel for a bagel thin. 

Now for the good stuff: 

Bacon Avocado Breakfast Sandwich

Bacon Avocado Breakfast Sandwich

Bacon Avocado Breakfast Sandwich



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