France: Bundled Up at a Parisian Christmas Market

When we first booked our trip to Paris we hadn't really thought about the timing. It was such a last minute decision to go that we found a flight and just jumped on it, figuring that we'd nail down all the details later. Boy...did we get lucky. Paris in December is truly straight out of a dream. 

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It was such a special treat to see Paris lit up by Christmas Lights. What I loved most about our trip was that we could wander from Christmas Market to Christmas Market and eat up all the fondue and mulled wine. On this trip, we had next to no formal plans and were able to just stroll around the city, which was magical in itself. 

We found the little market pictured here just behind the Louvre at the Tuileries Gardens. It was a mixture of food and wine stands (including the most incredible Champagne stall), shops with local gifts and carnival rides that had each been turned into a Christmas theme (my favorite was the the Thriller haunted Christmas House). HA. I was so bummed that the markets were just starting to pop, because we heard that a few more would be launching in the first week of December! 

More to come on our trip... 



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