The Dirty Truth About Instagram + 5 Feeds Worth Following

This post has been a long time coming... and, if we're being honest, it has been on the top of my mind for the past few months. It certainly differs from the content you see most often on the blog, but I think it's becoming more and more relevant for bloggers, small businesses and creatives as time goes on. And, honestly, I figured it was well past time that I gave my opinion on the elephant in the room: The Instagram Algorithm. 

What is this Algorithum anyway? 

Instagram used to be a space that I loved. My feed was full of friends I loved keeping up with, bloggers who inspired me, creatives whose work awed me and small businesses that I enjoyed watching grow. Then the Instagram Algorithm change took affect. Suddenly, Instagram became a popularity contest. It wasn't about producing high-quality content that inspired followers, instead it turned into a platform that celebrated buying likes and joining loop giveaways to gain thousands of followers. It rewards large companies and bloggers who are willing to pay. And, honestly, it sucks.

For many of the bloggers & creatives reading this, I know you've heard this before. And, I know that you're likely feeling the same fall out I am.  The question you're likely searching this post for is - How do I beat it? Well, I don't have that answer (Trust me, I wish I did). I've stayed out of international loop giveaways, refused to purchase followers and have watched my engagement plummet from 400-500 likes per post to somewhere between 100-200.  I used to gain 50-100 followers per day, and now i'm lucky if I break even. I could go on and on telling you the horror stories I've heard from friends, but I'm guessing you probably have a story of your own. 

That said, I'm choosing to combat the algorithm by staying true to myself, my brand and my content. I'm refusing to panic, and am choosing to wait it out and invest my time into the platform that matters most: my blog. I'm choosing to stop focusing on the negativity surrounding Instagram, to stop comparing myself to those who buy followers and to instead celebrate those I admire on the platform. To help them combat the algorithm. To Pay-It-Forward.

And, that brings me to the best part of this blog post.


Pay It Forward

Today, I wanted to share a few of the accounts that make my Instagram feed a little brighter. I've followed some of them for years, but some are relatively new to me. I encourage you to take a look, pick your favorites, give them a follow and a few likes in the hopes that they'll pop up on your page too! Hey, if we can't beat the algorithm at least we can help out each other. 

Jen Nordine of Freckles On Filmore

I recently found Jen's feed and love her effortlessly cool California style. She's hilarious, gorgeous and perfectly blends lifestyle with fashion and fitness. 

Kaylee Giffin of The Blondielocks

I've loved Kaylee's feed for quite some time. Her photography is gorgeous, her cocktails are mouth-watering and her positive posts are so uplifting. 

Laura Leigh of Louella Reese

Laura has such an adorable Instagram feed and her gorgeous hair + huge smile are beyond enviable. I especially love her preppy style!

Allie Provost of Pret a Provost 

Apart from having an incredible feed and GORGEOUS photographs, Allie has the most perfect Instagram Story I've ever seen. She once showcased the Sound of Music while visiting it's shooting location and I couldn't stop watching!

Danielle Gervino of Pineapple and Prosecco

I met Danielle a while ago through Instagram and i've loved seeing her account grow! She's got a gorgeous feed, an amazing editing style and is full of amazing style tips!


Want to take the first step in combatting the algorithm? Share a list of your favorite feeds on your blog, Instagram story or social channels to help pay it forward! 

Thanks for sticking through today's post! AND, if you take anything away from it it's this: Don't measure someone else's success by the number of followers they have or the likes they get. The Algorithm affects us all differently and the best you can do is to engage with the feeds you care most about. 




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