DIY Succulent Garden

Calling all master gardeners! OKAY... not really, but hey we can pretend, right? I've been wanting to make a succulent garden for ages, so I figured making one for our new apartment was the perfect excuse. 

I'll be the first one to admit it: I wasn't born with a green thumb. In fact, Jordon always makes fun of me because whenever I have to take care of the plants they seem to die (RIP bonsai tree). That being said, succulents are nearly impossible to kill - so they're definitely the perfect plant to use to bring a little zen into your home. So, here's how to make your very own succulent garden!

Here's What You'll Need: 

1 large bowl (I found mine at home goods for $7) 

1 bag of cacti soil 

1 bag of decorative rocks

Assorted succulents 

Gloves (unless you don't mind your hands getting dirty) 

Gardening hand tools (Shovel etc.)

Step One: 

Clean your bowl and add a base layer of rocks to the bottom of it, to help with water drainage. Your succulents won't need a ton of water, but this helps them absorb it all without drowning!

Step Two: 

Cover your rocks with a layer of cacti soil (I found mine from home depot). Once covered, remove your succulents from their current potting and arrange them as desired. When I arranged mine, I put it a few different ways before deciding on the final product. 

Step Three: 

When you decide on an arrangement, dig a small hole in your soil for each plant and put the succulents in. Once finished, add a second layer of soil to secure the succulents into place. 

Step Four: 

Once you've added them to the bowl, place a layer of decorative rocks overtop the soil. Then, add a little bit of water and keep in a shady area for the next week while the succulents take hold to their new environment. 

Enjoy your new succulent garden and let me know how it turns out! 



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