How to be Productive Before Bed

When I get home from work all I want to do is pig out, crawl into my bed, and turn on Greys. But, when you work all day long hiding from the world at night isn’t really an option. Today, I’m sharing 5 suggestions on how to stay productive before jumping in bed.

Get moving: If I don’t make it to the gym in the morning, J and I will go together when we get home. For me, getting up and moving sets a positive tone for the rest of my night. If I have a good workout I’m 10x more likely to accomplish everything else on my to-do list.

Check over your planner: I love using my time at night to plan for the next day. I don’t know about you, but mornings in our house are crazy so setting aside 10 minutes at night to go over the next day’s task keep me in check.

Read: I recently switched from watching TV right before bed to reading and haven’t looked back since. I’ll admit that there are some nights when it requires too much brain power, but there’s something so relaxing about reading. On that note, I’m looking for new books so comment below if you have any suggestions!

Prep for tomorrow: To save time in the morning I always lay my outfit out the night before. Choosing an outfit is tricky business so doing it the night before gives me the extra time I always seem to need in the morning no matter how early I wake up.

Do something for yourself: It’s so easy to get caught up in life and forget to take time to do the things you love. For me, blogging makes me happy. So, I’ll take 30 minutes to an hour every night to blog. I’d suggest finding what you love (bubble baths included) and taking time for you, I promise it’s worth it.


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