Chocolate Chunk Ice Cream Sandwiches

Hello, lovelies! Every summer I get the biggest craving for ice cream. Maybe it's the heat, or maybe I just like using that as en excuse. But, either way, I drag J to our local ice cream shop and grab a scoop or two every week. Normally, our visits to the ice cream parlor last way longer than they should because I can never decide on a flavor (whoops, sorry J)! 

Today, I'm sharing one of my favorite summer dessert recipes, Chocolate Chunk Ice Cream Sandwiches. If you're an avid ice cream eater, these sandwiches are about to become your new best friend. And, they can be made in under a minute if you want to skip the hassle of baking up a fresh batch of cookies!

For these cookies I chose to use Trader Joe's break and bake cookie dough (with a little extra chocolate) and they turned out incredible. From now on, i'm planning on leaving a pack of these in my fridge to break them out anytime I crave one of these delicious sandwiches. 

If you love baking as much as I do here are a few fun cookie recipes that would make delicious ice-cream sandwiches:

Peanut Butter Cookies 

M&M Cookies

Chocolate Chip Cookies





Watermelon Margarita


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