Instagram Q&A: Most Commonly Asked Questions

I've been loving sharing more personal posts on the blog as of late. And, it seems like you guys are loving it too. I'm excited to keep that personal momentum going today by answering some of the most common questions I get over on Instagram. From home decor, to my relationship and everything in between...let's get to it!

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When are you and J going to have a baby?

Oh many times have I seen this come through? Every single time I feel a little bit guilty because we are SO NOT READY. Is that bad? We still have so much that we want to accomplish before we start trying. And, that's definitely not to say you can't accomplish things after, but life will certainly be more hectic. I'm a little too selfish to have the title "Mom" just yet. 

I love your rugs! Where did you get them?

We've gotten our rugs from ALL OVER. Our living room and office rugs are one of kind from Kittle's Furniture in Indy. And, our Bar/Lounge space rugs are from Overstock and Wayfair (dark rug here, light rug here).

Your feed and photos are so crisp! How do you edit them??

I take all of my photos on a DSLR camera and edit them in the Lightroom Desktop app. I started with the VSCO presets, but have now built my own that gives me the consistent coloring you see on my feed! It's filled with pastel pops, low yellow tones and saturated reds to compliment my complexion! You can read more about my editing process here.

I've been seeing more of you on Instagram...Do you blog full time now?

Yes, and no! I recently left my corporate job to pursue blogging and digital marketing full time. I run the blog and own my own Digital Marketing Company where I help brands and businesses build their social media strategy, run paid ads and implement influencer marketing campaigns. I LOVE what I do, and I LOVE that it allows me to blog full time as well! You can read more about it here.

Where do you buy your plants? Are they Real or Fake?

It's a mix! We have real and faux plants and I buy them from local nurseries, Amazon and home decor stores. You can see my guide to faux plants here and my recs for buying plants on Amazon here!

How old are you?

26! Well, technically I turn 27 in 4 days. So, I guess 27 depending on when you read this. haha

Where are your planters from?

I LOVE that you guys love my plants as much as I do. haha My planters are from West Elm, Amazon, HomeGoods and Target (mostly). I'll be rounding them all up in a blogpost soon!

How did you grow your Instagram feed? I don't know where to start.

Lots of time. Lots of tears. Lots of effort. My advice is to just start. Engage with your audience no matter how big or small and post with intent. Find your niche and focus in! And, of course...stick with it!

I would LOVE to turn this into a series. Seriously, the best part of this blog is hearing from you all and finding out what you're interested in. Please please keep on sending questions, comments and just generally being as awesome as you are. It's so appreciated!



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