Life Update | A Trip to Florida + Work Life Balance

As you've probably noticed by now, I left the Indiana cold behind and took a vacation for a week in Florida. There has been so much going on lately, honestly sometimes too much, and I decided that a working vacation was just what I needed. So, after my birthday I hopped on a flight and changed up my office view to be the ocean instead of the snow. Isn't it amazing how great weather can shake up your entire mood? I'm feeling refreshed, reinvigorated and ready to tackle the last of winter.

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It's been a few months since I've shared a general life update with you all. So, I figured that this would be a great time to chat a little bit about what's going on in our world. This post is going to be VERY CASUAL. But, you guys have liked these in the past, so i'm planning on keeping them coming every few months!

Travel: Now that I've spent a week by the ocean and in the sun, I've got a bit of the travel bug again. Florida was just what I needed to spend a few days relaxing, but i'm hoping we'll find some time to take a bigger trip (that J can take time for) in the next few months, or maybe this Summer for J's 28th birthday!

Our House: It must be because spring is near, but i'm excited for a few little house projects that we have coming up. We've been wanting to do some printed wallpaper for a while in a few different areas of our home, and I think we're going to take the leap here in the next couple months. With the spring, I also want to deck out our patio a bit more. It's not a huge space, but now that i'm working from home I'd love it to be comfortable (and functional) enough to work as a second outdoor office space! I'm thinking we'll likely get an outdoor sectional to make it just a bit cozier. You can see how we decorated it last year here! If you know if any good outdoor inspo, please let me know.

Life: Honestly, I'm loving the time of life we're in right now. I feel so protective about it, because I just don't want it to ever end. We're in that sweet spot where we've found success in our careers, and are fortunate enough to be able to spend on our home, our trips and ourselves. So, for all of you reading this post to look for the "kid questions"... not yet. We're so happy and we just want to soak that up for a few more years.

Work/Life Balance: I'm a worker. Like I have a to-do list a mile long ALWAYS. I LOVE my job, so it just comes naturally to me to constantly focus on it. And, that's great for business and the blog. But, that's not so great for my psyche. This month, my goal has been to be a bit more cognizant of my free time. And, honestly just to make sure I'm taking some free time. That was one reason for my trip to Florida. And, i'm looking forward to making it more of a priority even when I'm back home and in a regular schedule.

I think that pretty much covers it! If there's anything you want to know you can send me an email, DM, or write me a comment! Thank you so much for reading!


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