Fantasically Simple Pumpkin Cinnamon Doughnuts

Pumpkin Cinnamon Doughnuts

Fall has decided to take it's time getting here, so this weekend I decided to curl up, have a pumpkin spice latte and bake these amazing Pumpkin Cinnamon Doughnuts all while pretending there was a slight crisp in the air and leaves falling everywhere. 

Pumpkin Cinnamon Doughnuts Pumpkin Cinnamon Doughnuts Pumpkin Cinnamon Doughnuts Pumpkin Cinnamon Doughnuts  

Buying a doughnut pan was quite literally one of the best baking decisions i've made. And, if you haven't noticed, I have a serious obsession with them. Just check out these double chocolate doughnuts or these golden vanilla doughnuts - YUM.  OKAY, so maybe buying the pan wasn't the healthiest decision. But, it's doughnuts so i'll deal. Anyway, i've never tried my hand at seasonal doughnuts, so I figured fall was the perfect place to start. 

   Pumpkin Cinnamon Doughnuts Pumpkin Cinnamon Doughnuts Pumpkin Cinnamon Doughnuts Pumpkin Cinnamon Doughnuts

You guys, this recipe is incredible simple, delicious and really really fun to make. Especially if you're a pumpkin lover like me. All it takes is a doughnut pan, a few baking essentials, pumpkin puree and cinnamon and you're good to go. So, give it a try & let me know how it turns out!

[yumprint-recipe id='63']

Pumpkin Cinnamon Doughnuts Pumpkin Cinnamon Doughnuts Pumpkin Cinnamon Doughnuts Pumpkin Cinnamon Doughnuts Pumpkin Cinnamon Doughnuts  



pumpkin cinnamon doughnuts

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