Red & Ruffled

Red & Ruffled

I've never been a fan of the color red. In fact, I spent years avoiding it. To be honest, it was always that color that I thought looked plain awful on me. That is, until I posted this dress to the blog a few weeks back. I got so many sweet comments from you lovely ladies telling me that red was my color (talk about a confidence booster). Needless to say I was shocked. But, ever since i've given myself a break and learned to embrace red.

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Red & Ruffled Red & Ruffled  Red & Ruffled

If you've bared with me thus far, thank you. I promise, i'm about to make a point here. Have you ever noticed that most women spend too much time being critical of themselves? Sure, for me it's just that I don't look great in red or I wish I could wake up with flawless hair. But, nonetheless these insecurities pick away at me. Here's the kicker - I have no idea why. Today, I wanted to take a step back from the "perfect" photos you see on the blog and just say life isn't perfect, i'm not perfect and I definitely have insecurities that I deal with day in and day out.

More often than not, social media makes our insecurities come out front and center. You'll see someone on your Instagram feed with the perfect tan, a gorgeous dress and the bag you've been coveting for a year. But, comparison isn't fun. And, it truly can drive you crazy.

Red & Ruffled Red & Ruffled  Red & Ruffled

Red & Ruffled

Thank YOU my wonderful readers for helping me shatter some of my own insecurities. And, I can only hope that by sharing just a few of mine will give you the courage to take on your own. 

About the Outfit

Insecurities aside, this outfit is sure to be my go-to for spring! I love this ruffled red top (on sale for under $25) and I swear I could live in this white denim skirt all spring and summer long. The best part? The ruffled top comes in tons of colors, so make sure to pick up a few different colors while it's on sale!




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