Secret Garden

Happy Wednesday, friends! I hope you all had a fantastic Fourth of July. This weekend was certainly big one in our house! For those of you who haven't yet seen on Instagram, J and I brought a new member into our family - Tyson "Ty" Schwoch. He's the sweetest Golden Retriever/Lab mix that has filled our hearts with so much love.

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Needless to say, our weekend was spent with lots of snuggles, laughs and time spent in garden near our house. Ty is a big ball of energy who sweetly bounds around the field trying to keep up with J. And, let's just say my heart melts every time I watch them play together. I've been snapping photos of him left and right over in the garden next door, so J and I figured we'd sneak in a few blog photos while were there and I just adore the way they turned out. Check out the photos, and take a peak at the dress i've been sporting non-stop (it's under $55)! 




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Summer Burst Pasta Salad


Sweet Strawberry Mojito