S’il Vous Plait

I've never been very adventurous. In fact, i'm one of those stick to the plan kind of people. I like my life like I like my house; neat, orderly and with everything in its place.  Lately though, i've been trying to live my life a bit more on the "wild" side. 

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Mind you, my "wild" side is probably still very tame in comparison to some of you who are reading this. I mean we're talking saying "OK" to leaving the house a mess before bed or taking a chance on a new blog venture. But, hey, to each there own - right? My new mantra is simple - do what makes me happy. Do what makes my family happy. And, just enjoy life's chaotic moments because sometimes they teach you the most. 

Needless to say, my new life mantra is working its way into my wardrobe, which means you're going to start to see some more adventurous outfits. And, this feels like the perfect one to start out with. After all, it includes a beret which I just so happen to adore. It's decorated with the cutest embellishments that really completed the look. I also opted for the pleated skirt, which can be worn so many ways as we move into the Holiday Season. 




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Sophisticated in Suede


An Embroidered Look for Fall