Silver Dollar Funfetti Pancakes

I had sooooo much fun coming up with the recipe for this Silver Dollar Funfetti Pancakes. Typically, I don't even like sprinkles, but something about adding them to pancakes works you guys. It's so delicious (and looks adorable).

When I was younger my mom always made these healthy silver dollar pancakes. We had them at least once a week and they became our go-to for family breakfasts in the morning. I love taking recipes and traditions I had growing up and turning them into fun traditions for J and I now. However, J would never go for a healthy pancake, so the Funfetti Pancakes were born. 

My philosophy for these? You CAN have your cake and eat it too. Add just a bit of maple syrup and you're in for a real treat. Ready to dive head first in the recipe? Here's how to make it...

[yumprint-recipe id='104']


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