It Takes Two: What Makes Us, 'Us'

It's funny that Simply J and K started as a space that documented J and I's wedding process (need proof?). Over time, the site changed into the lifestyle blog that it is today, which often mentions J but fails to dive into what makes our marriage tick or the traits of his personality that made me fall for him so deeply. Today we're taking a BIG step to change that, by sharing a little bit about what makes us, 'us.' If you like it, let us know and we'll make sure to bring J around more often .😉

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Sometimes it's hard to believe how long we've been together. So much has changed over the 8 years that we've been in each other's lives, but there are a few things that have remained constant in our relationship and I wouldn't change any of them for the world. 

For us, prioritizing our time (however limited) has always been the most important part of our relationship. We had only been together for two months before we tackled a long distance relationship when we were just 18. Being without each other at the start of our relationship was tough, but it made us both realize how precious time and proximity really is. It has been a lesson we've carried with us through college, internships, first jobs and now our marriage, and it's led to us always prioritizing our time together above all else. 

There are certain things we've always loved to do together, like movie nights (at home or out), trips to HomeGoods or Target, gym dates or a quick coffee date. Having those "us" moments away from friends, family or work give us a chance to laugh and talk without any interruptions - and, honestly, it's been so important to us both. Putting each other first in these moments, and every moment, is what makes our relationship work so well. 


Here are a few ways we spend quality time together, in case you're looking for some yourself! 

Our Favorite "Us" Activities

1. Movie Nights In, or Out

2. Gym Time Together 

3. 30 Minute Coffee Date 

4. A Long Walk, typically with our pup Tyson

5. Target Date (Don't knock it until you try it 😜) 

6. Wine & Cheese Board Nights 

7. Game Night 

8. Home Project, though this could just be because we just bought our space (hah) 

9. Cooking Dinner

10. Fancy Night Out 


What are your favorite things to do with your S/O? 



Her Style: Shoes from Kizik

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His Style:  Shoes from Kizik

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Thank you to Kizik for Sponsoring this post. As always, all thoughts and opinions are my own! 



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