

You may have already figured it out, but today is my 25th birthday! I'll admit, it's hard to pinpoint where the time has gone. It feels like just yesterday that I was in college and turning twenty, and now i'm half-way to thirty! But, when I really sat down to think about it, I realized just how much has happened in these first five years of my twenties. 

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Highlights: I graduated from college, moved to D.C, started my first "big girl job" on the Hill, got my first apartment (and then three more), launched Simply J&K, got engaged, got married, moved to florida, made and lost amazing friends, traveled the world, spent tons of time with my amazing family and so so much more. And, that's just in the first five years!


Looking back, it's crazy to think about how much i've grown and changed in the last few years. I've becoming so much more confident in myself and stopped being afraid of what other people think of me. Which, trust me, has been SO freeing. I've learned the power of trust and can truly say have never been happier (hey, J). 


Sure, being halfway to thirty has me a little nervous (where has the time gone), but I also know that I have so many more places to see and experiences to have. What am I looking forward to the most? Buying a house, advancing my career, moving back home to Indiana, having kids (and seeing J be the sweetest father) and growing SimplyJ&K even further. Let's face it — these next five years will probably have just as many (if not more) surprises than the last five have but i'm so excited for each and every one of them. 

twenty-five. twenty-five. 

Since i've already made it halfway to thirty, I figured it was time I put together a list of goals I want to accomplish before I hit the big 30. Some of them are fun and some slightly more serious, but I had a blast putting this together. And, honestly learned a lot about what I want out of life t00! 


Fully furnish our apartment with thoughtful pieces  

Buy a piece of art I love

Purchase and decorate a house 

Host a proper dinner party (Thanksgiving 2017, i'm coming for you)

Take a cooking class with J (also paint night!)

Save a certain amount every month

Switch out watching tv before bed, for reading a book 



Spend two full weeks in Italy (coming soon!)

Visit 10 US cities i've never been too (Savannah, LA, San Diego and Seattle too start)

Have a romantic spa retreat weekend with J 

Go hiking in Phoenix (and, eat in Sedona)

Go "glamping" with my mom (it's the only camping I do)



Grow Simply J&K

Take a writing class 

Advance in my career

Start email newsletters for the blog (coming soon!)

Learn how to really take photos with my DSLR 

Get better at Photoshop and Lightroom 

Feel more comfortable taking outfit photos in public (this one always gets me)



Give yoga a shot

Make it to spinning 3x a week for one month straight

Learn how to (actually) lift weights 

Gain control over my anxiety

Give up soda for a month (Coca cola is my vice)

Learn how to meditate 


If you stuck through this whole post you definitely deserve a glass of wine! But, thank you!  




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Strawberry Peach Spring Smoothie


5 Minute Blueberry Lemon Infused Water