4 Things It's Ok To Be Selfish About

Selfish.  That word has such a negative connotation.  And, sure, it can be a bad thing in certain aspects of your life. But, believe it or not, being selfish can also be the key to exploring new opportunities, taking risks and finding out what makes you happy.

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The past few months i've focused more on self-care then I ever have before, and I've never felt better. It turns out, that being a little selfish has been really positive for my well-being, professional growth and even my relationship. The Key? Balance. I've learned the areas it's ok to be a selfish in, and those "negative" areas to steer clear of.

Here are four of the areas being selfish has been positive for me: 


It's so easy to put your own needs aside when in a professional setting. But, the truth is that prioritizing your needs can actually help you be even more productive at work. I've worked in jobs I dislike, and it taught me what I value in an organization and in a job. In short, being selfish early on in my career, and refusing to accept a state of "unhappiness" led me to a job that I love. And, helped me launch this blog as a passion project along the way. 


The older I get the more value I put on my health. The foods you eat, the cocktails you drink and the amount of exercise in a given week all matter. And, frankly, they matter a lot. I've put my health first for the past 4-5 years, and doing so helps propel all other aspects of my life. Find out what "healthy" living means for you, and prioritize it. Trust me, your body and your mind will thank you for it.  


Raise your hand if you have a problem saying "no". *Hand raises* Seriously, I can't say no. Agreeing to do things that we don't always want to is certainly part of being an adult, but there are moments where we could all benefit from simply saying "No."  Learning how to balance "yes" and "no" has been such a game changer for me the past year or so. It's given me the freedom to relax when I need it, and pushed me to go outside my comfort zone when I don't.

P.S. Saying no is ok, so please don't ever feel guilty for it. 


This one's tricky. Relationships are all about patience, understanding and balance. But, you can't be the best version of yourself in a relationship unless you're a little selfish sometimes. 

I've also learned to prioritize those relationships that bring me the most joy. It can be tough when friendships end, or people change. But, staying in friendships or relationships because you feel obligated too, isn't good for you long-term. 


What are your thoughts on being a little selfish? Has it worked for you? Or, do you steer clear? 




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