5 Ways to Have A Better Morning

Have you ever found yourself begging for more hours in the day? This time of year, I always seem to be struggling to keep up with work, the blog or even just the simple activities that keep me happy like traveling, exploring or even cooking. Since I clearly don't have the ability to change how long the sun will stay up, or how long I can stay awake, I realized I need to simply start making more time for myself in the morning. (GASP)

I know, why haven't I thought of this sooner? Because i'm NOT a morning person. No, really, i'm not. I hate setting my alarm for before 7AM, and I hate getting out of bed without at least 20 minutes to wake myself up. But, i've realized that by setting my alarm just an hour earlier, my day feels fuller and I get the time I need to recharge and mentally prepare for the day ahead. So, without further ado, here are the 5 ways I'm helping myself have better, healthier mornings. 

1. Stay Off Electronics: Does anyone else reach for their phone first thing when they wake up? Guilty. Up until a few months ago I would wake up, immediately check my DMs, Emails and Texts (and scroll through Instagram) all before I was even out of bed. I'd get sucked right in the electronic hole, and couldn't get out for 20-30 minutes. Now, I consciously remind myself to avoid my phone until I've had my morning coffee and gotten myself out of bed. 

2. Kick Start Your Day with A Workout: Lately, I've switched my workouts to the morning, because it keeps me feeling fresh and focused all day long. There's something about moving straight away in the morning that gets me so energized for the day ahead. 

3. Have a Coffee Date: J and I have a hard time finding a lot of time together on nights and weekends, so we've been making a point of morning coffee dates. We each wear our PJs and have lately been eating Dave's Naturals Overnight Oats so we don't have to waste too much time cooking!

4. Tidy up: I've found that starting my days on a productive note usually mean i'm more productive overall. Lately, I've been spending 10 -15 minutes tidying up around the house in the Morning when I need it. From cleaning, to checking up on household chores it feels great to knock things off your list. 

5. Sit Outside: Fresh air does you so much good. And, this time of year it's a waste to miss out! Opt to have your morning coffee or breakfast outside for a refreshing start to your day. 



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