How to Make Your Own Acai Bowl

Hello, lovelies! OK, i'll admit it, I was REALLY late to get on the acai bowl train. But, i've finally hopped on board and let me just say, i'm obsessed! There's a store right down the street that makes them, but they are way too expensive to buy every morning. So, I decided to come up with my own recipe and it is SO good.

This acai bowl will completely change your morning routine and you'll feel amazing swapping out your pancakes for this healthy, fruit-filled breakfast. So, what exactly is it? Acai (pronounced ah-sah-ee) is a superfood that's harvested from trees in the Amazon that is even more antioxidant rich than any of your typical grocery store berries. 

Here are some of it's known health benefits:

Aids in weight loss

Improves digestion

Promotes skin health and clarity

Enhances anti-aging effects

Increases energy 

For those of you who are skeptical of healthy recipes (just like my hubs), I promise you'll think your indulging when you eat this bowl. The fruit makes it sweet and it tastes just like a smoothie. Plus, you can add any fruit you like, so it's completely customizable. Let's just say that my husband (who eats like a 5-year-old), LOVED this bowl and asked if we could make it every day before work, so don't let the "healthy" aspect scare you away!

 Have you ever tried an acai bowl? What was your favorite flavor? 


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