Back To Basics

“Minimalism is not about what you own, it’s about why you own it.”

So much yes to this quote. Over the past few months J and I have been simplifying, and it feels so refreshing. Maybe it’s the impending move, or maybe it’s just something you start to value as you get older, but man does it feel good. We’ve been purging old clothes we don’t wear and the clutter we’ve kept around to use “one day”. What does that mean? We’re going back to the basics.

Starting At Home

Do you know how much crap (pardon my French ) two people can accumulate after 8 years. I had no idea. And, I really hope we don’t get back there again. J and I have SO MUCH STUFF. I don’t know what half of it is, where it came from or why we held onto it. But, spring fever got a hold of me this weekend and we threw it all out.

I am so excited to start fresh in our new space. We’re adopting a minimalist mentality towards our new décor, and with that comes a lack of “things.” You can read up more on that here if you’re interested.

Taking it to the Closet

In the process of de-cluttering our space, I’ve started de-cluttering our closet too. That means getting rid of those pieces I purchased during a trend that I’ve now come to regret and instead investing in quality pieces that stand the test of time.

My new “Back to Basics” attitude was the inspiration behind today’s outfit post. I, and other bloggers, spend so much time buying new, trendy things. But, the almost always go out of style within a year. This classic White-Button Down and High-Waisted jeans combination is the timeless outfit that I reach for whenever I’m not quite sure what to wear. I’ve got the same shirt in a short and long-sleeved fit, and adore them both. If you’re looking to elevate the look ever so slightly, try adding a simple neck scarf. It’s an easy way to take a simple look and give it just a bit of something extra. Here are a few of my favorite neck and hair scarves.

Shop Neck and Hair Scarves:



Do you prefer basics to trends?




Shop my Exact Look: 


Striped For Spring


An Antioxidant Packed Acai Bowl