Check Mate

Have you ever found an outfit that perfectly sums up a time in your life? Well, this certainly happened with a gingham jumpsuit that I ordered a few weeks back. 

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First, a little bit about me. For those of you who don't follow along on Instagram Stories I work for the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, which is home to the biggest race in the world the Indianapolis 500. Fun fact: I'm the worst when it comes to sports. Really, I don't know much of anything. So, taking this job a year ago was completely different from the world of communications and politics that I was used to. I've learned A LOT over the past year, and love my day (and often night) job. I run the digital channels, so event times are always insane for me, and May just happens to be home to two of our biggest races of the year, which is why you may see less of me around here over the next month! 

The reason I bring up my day job, which I rarely do around here, is because this gingham outfit perfectly captures what the next month of my life is about to be: racing. From community events, to late nights in the Media Center, Press availabilities, Driver stunts, parties  and more it's a whirlwind of racing excitement. And, this year I plan on bringing you guys along for the ride, through the lens of fashion (of course)! I can't wait to show you another part of my life and hope that you'll follow along throughout the month on my Instagram story, with a few sporadic updates here to of course. 

Now, back to this adorable jumpsuit, which I ordered for our Month of May kickoff event! It's the perfect summer jumpsuit with a lot of character, and I can't tell you how many people even commented on it while J and I were taking the photos you see here. I adore the halter top and of course the massive bow! 

Loving the Checkered Trend like me? Shop a few of my favorite pieces: 

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Thanks for following along, and have the best weekend!




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