Life Update: We've Moved

It's been a few months since I've given you all a bit of an update on what's going on around here, but the truth is, we've been slammed. We FINALLY moved into our new home, after what seemed like years waiting for it to be completed. We're in heaven getting everything organized, but it's taken so much more time than we anticipated! 

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Currently, i'm sitting on our living room floor which is home to a rug and a coffee table. That's it. We're waiting on the couch. And, the chairs. And, everything else. J has been a trooper with organizing all of the installations and setting up the appliances. I can throw a mean party, but when it comes to being handy i'm the actual worst. Thankfully, he's figured out how to do a lot of little things around the house, so we've been able to accomplish small projects on our own. 

I'm beyond excited to share more of our home with you guys, so stay tuned for upcoming blog posts and let me know if there's anything in particular that you'd like to see.

On top of the move, i'm nearing the VERY busy season at work, so if you're not seeing quite as many blog posts, I swear they'll be back in full force in June. For those who don't know I work at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway so the Month of May is insane (and also incredible fun). I'll be keeping up with the blog and Instagram as much as possible, but make sure to follow along on Instagram Stories where you can! I'll try to give a behind-the-scenes look at the Month of May as best I can. 




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