Coffee Chat: Vol. 1

Happy Monday! I hope you all had the best weekend. J and I often have different schedules (he's in real estate and I work M-F), but this weekend we both managed to have Sunday off, and spent it with our Interior Designer picking out all of our furniture, lighting and decor for the new house. Needless to say, it was so exciting and we can't wait to move in within the next few months. Other than that, we took it easy and hung around the house. 

Between Instagram and the blog there are a lot of new faces around here. And, i'm so thrilled about it! All these new faces make this the perfect time to take a step back from our usual content and do a little "About Me". Even though I think i'm pretty boring (EEK), I get questions from you guys all the time that I'm never really able to dive in to on a larger scale. 

When I started Simply J and K I never really shared an "about me." Have you ever tried to write one? AWK.  Sure, I have the FAQ, but I figured it would be fun to say "Hi!" to all the new faces with my first ever Coffee Chat. It's a brand new series that I'll try to rotate in to my usual content every month or so as a way to update you on life or dive into any questions you all may have for me.

Let's begin, shall we?

Where Did You Go To School And What Did You Major In? 

I spent a year in Charleston, South Carolina at the College of Charleston. It was gorgeous, and I got to live in downtown Charleston which was an absolute dream. But, I transferred after my Freshman year to be closer to J. We both ended up attending Rollins College in Winter Park, FL, which is equally as gorgeous. I majored in Communications (specializing in PR) and minored in Political Science. 

Who Takes Your Photos?

My Hubby, J, takes all of my photos. General rule of thumb: if it's of food, Tyson, Home Decor (or anything I'm not in) I took it, if it's of me then he did! J has always been so supportive of Simply J and K, and has become quite the photographer in the process. It's a goal of ours to make him more a part of the content on the site too, so stay tuned! 

What Camera Do You Use?

I use a Canon 6D and it's INCREDIBLE. I edit everything myself in Adobe Lightroom. Luckily, I wrote a full post about Cameras and lenses here, so make sure to check it out if you're interested in starting your own blog. 

Do You Blog Full Time? 

Currently, I also work full time at a major sports venue in the Indianapolis area. No, I know nothing about sports - but, social media has taken me to some pretty incredible places and helped me get some amazing jobs! People also often ask me what J does, too! He works in Real Estate here in Indy, and loves it. 

What's Your Favorite Show to Binge Watch? 

I'm the first to admit that a favorite show often says a lot about a person. If I had to pick one show to watch over and over again it would easily be the O.C. (hey, seth). But, i'm also a huge fan of Friends and randomly love historical fiction too. 

Have more questions? Shoot me an email at and i'll do my best to answer them!




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