Get Inspired: What's Cookin'

One of our big goals this year is to spend less time eating out, and more time cooking at home together. Since buying our home, we've been much better about cooking, but it wasn't until I transitioned to working from home that we really committed to eating in six nights a week. But, the thing that helped us stick to this goal most is our love of meal planning (more on that coming in a few weeks).

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Typically, I'll head to the grocery at the start of the week with a list of items to make all 6 dinners, lunches and breakfasts. That leaves us one "cheat" or "date" day and keeps us on track for the rest of the week. But Kenzie, "Doesn't eating in that much getting boring?" At first, YES. We only had like 10 meals that I really loved, and eating the same 10 meals week after week is like one big Meh Emoji. But, then I spent more time searching for recipes on Pinterest, bought a few new cookbooks (love this one), and suddenly my list of meals grew.

Within a few weeks, I not only got better at cooking. But, I also found so many new meals that I wanted to try. Now, J and I actually enjoy cooking together at night. And, having leftovers ready to go for lunch the next day isn't so bad either. That brings me to this week's Get Inspired Challenge. This week, I'm pushing you to try at least two new recipes at home. I've rounded up a few recipes that i've recently tried or that are on my list for the week below!

5 Recipes to Try

Wild Rice and Mushroom Soup

I whipped up this Wild Rice and Mushroom Soup a couple years ago when we had a massive snowstorm. I needed a pick me up, and this was the PERFECT soup to do just that.

We've been making it for a few years, especially in the winter. And, love how hearty and filling it is.

Artichoke, Spinach and Tomato Flatbread

This recipe gets one big YUM from me. We do homemade flatbreads every single week. It's our splurge meal, and they're so easy to change so it makes it simple to shake things up. I love this Artichoke, Spinach and Tomato Za from Little Broken!

You can also add bacon and olives if you're feeling fancy.

Whole 30 Sausage Breakfast Skillet

If you haven't gotten into making skillets for dinner yet, you're really missing out. For starters, they're incredibly simple. And, more often than not they're really healthy too.

This Whole 30 Sausage Breakfast Skillet was one of the first ones we made. (Spoiler: We eat it for dinner) So yummy!

Beef Stroganoff

Another soup from the Simply J and K food Archives, I've been eating this Beef Stroganoff ever since I was a little Kid. It was originally my mom's recipe, and it's so good that it has become a staple in our house too!

If you're not a fan of too many noodles, you can make it a little more brothy too!

Paleo Pizza Potato Skins

Have you ever wanted pizza, but calories? I feel ya. Introducing your new best friend, Paleo Pizza Potato Skins.

We made these in December and fell in love. Now, we have them every other week!

My Favorite Cookbooks

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Looking for more meal inspiration? Or, a cocktail to drink alongside? Explore my Recipes and Drinks.


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