Why Age Shouldn't Define Your Life

When I was a kid, I thought that I'd have the world figured out at 27. I was convinced that i'd be married, have been named a VP at some big company in Chicago or D.C., own a mansion and be getting ready to have my first baby. Well, I'm now a month short of 27 and, hah. Let's just say I don't yet consider myself a "Full-Time Adult".

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To some, it may appear that Jordon and I have our lives completely together. We got married at 24 after having dated for 7 years. We both had great jobs in D.C., then moved back home and took on big jobs here in Indiana too. We've bought our first home, started a company, run this blog. Comparatively, we've got a lot going for us. But, I still don't feel like i've got it all together.

The best thing i've learned so far in my twenties is to just soak it up. To stop letting the pressure of age force me into life changing decisions. Whether that means accepting a job, moving, buying a home, getting married or having a kid. Theres no ONE age where you have to do those things, and learning that has helped me take so much pressure off myself.

I can't help but wonder if there's ever an age where you feel like you're the "Full-Time adult" you always dreamed of being. Maybe 30? 35? or 40? But, what I do know is that whatever stage i'm in, I like it. For the first time I feel happy with where we're at. I may not be a "Full-Time Adult" just yet, but i'm at least part-time. And, more importantly I feel completely comfortable with where I'm at.

So here's to soaking it up, realizing age is just a number, and doing our best to live our lives on our own timeline.


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