A Laid-Back Guide to a Plant-Based Diet + 10 Recipes to Try

I never thought i'd write this post. Mainly because I never thought i'd shift my diet away from meats, poultry and fish. But, here we are. And, i'm excited to fill you in on why my perspective, and my diet, have changed so dramatically recently. 

Admittedly, I haven't always been the healthiest when it comes to my diet. In high school and college I could eat whatever I wanted without gaining weight or feeling lethargic. But, a few year's back I decided to clean up my eating habits and cut out processed foods (at least most of the time). That means I stuck to mainly chicken, fish, vegetables and fruits. But, a few months ago I started feeling overly tired and wasn't as happy with the the food I was eating. So, I decided to try out a plant-based diet. Scary, I know, but hear me out. 

First Things First

In this post i'm sharing my experience with a plant-based diet. But, I am by no means a nutritionist or an expert so please make sure to do your own research and figure out what's best for your health and body before shifting to a diet like mine!

Secondly, I roll with a plant-based diet throughout the week and when we cook at home. But, I still love my cheat days. What can I say, I love a good burger. 

What Does a Plant-Based Diet Look Like? 

By definition, a plant-based diet is one that is comprised of whole, unrefined plants. Think vegetables, whole grains, fruits etc. It sounds really scary, but if you stick to the diet for a week it quickly becomes the new norm. What's hard about it? Cutting out dairy. 

I'll chime in here and say that I do not only eat like this, if I want cheese, I eat cheese. But, if we're cooking at home I try to avoid it. 

How I Feel

Here's what I love about it: I feel healthier, stronger and more energized. I decided to shift to this type of diet for health-reasons. Eating tons of animal byproducts can be really hard on you, and the amount of energy I have now just goes to show how good plants can be for you. 

10 Recipes To Get You Started

1. Orange Orzo Salad with Almonds, Feta and Olives

2.  Buddha Bowl

3. Vegan Portabello Pot Roast

4.  Cajun Chili Fries With Avocado Coriander Sauce

5. Rainbow Pasta Salad

6. Jackfruit Shiitake Stir-fry

7. Zucchini Noodles with Portobello Bolognese

8. Socca Pizza

9. Smashed Potatoes With Sun-Dried Tomato Pesto 

10. Vegan Parmesan Cheese

Have you tried a plant-based diet? 




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