Making the Most of the Holiday Season

December has just begun and I can hardly believe how much work there is to do before Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. The holiday season is full of joy and family, but all too often it gets packed with parties, shopping and last minute plans. So many times I’ve felt the season slip by before I’ve really had time to enjoy it. Have you felt the same way? J and I are making it a point to spend more quality time together. And, to help you do the same, today I’ve rounded up four different ways you can make the most of the Holiday Season.

Pick out Your Christmas Tree: Growing up we always had a fake Christmas Tree. My mom, like myself, hated the thought of pine needles dropping all over the floor. My hatred of messy trees still stands, but there’s something to be said for heading to a farm and picking out your own tree. It’s a great way to spend quality time with your loved ones while building a holiday tradition. We’re skipping out on the tree, but J and I will be making a trip to pick up a wreath soon!

Spend a Day at Home: They holidays are busy, so I jump on any excuse I have to stay home this time of year. There’s nothing more relaxing than baking, crafting or watching Hallmark Christmas movies with your family.  This year J and I indulged in the holidays while staying cozy at home by putting together a Holiday House with Cello Whisps – an all natural, 100% cheese, protein-packed snack. They’re delicious and they made the perfect rooftop for our Cheese, Pretzel and Cello Whisps House!  Although, I have to admit, we did sneak a few in the process of putting it together (shhh!). Want to build one of your own? Grab a Fondoodler, some packages of Cello Whisps and any other ingredients you can think of! 

Visit a Market or Ice Rink: Our town just got a brand new Christkindlmarket and Ice Skating Rink and I’ve been dying to go. Nearly every city and town has pop up holiday festivities from Markets to Light Displays. So, find something in your town and make it your newest tradition!

Take a Weekend Trip: Sometimes the best way to indulge in the holidays is to take a relaxing trip! J and I are thinking of heading to Chicago for a quick trip to take in the holiday lights and décor. I’ve visiting NYC this time of year in the past, and it’s the perfect place to get in the holiday spirit!

How do you make the most of the Holiday Season?  


BTW, 4 Tips for Flawless Christmas Photos and the Christmas Dress you need!



I partnered with Cello Whisps, a brand I love & trust, in today’s post.



Blush & Cream


Peppermint Fudge Donuts