A Note for New Year

Hi All! I hope you're having an amazing holiday week and enjoying some much-needed down time. J and I spent the first half of the break spending time with family in Florida. And, i've enjoyed unplugging a bit! But, i'm back today to fill you in on what you can expect in 2017 from Simply J and K and give you a few little thoughts on 2017 too. 

It's been a whirlwind year around here. 2016 was HUGE for us because we got married and moved to Florida. But, 2017 was big for us personally and professionally in a big way! For starters, it brought us back home to Indiana, which is a move we knew would come eventually. We've lived in two new apartments, gotten two new jobs, adopted our puppy Tyson, and have decided that we want to purchase our first home. 

Looking to 2018, we have big plans in terms of the blog and business, and I just can't wait to share them with you. So, here's a little sneak peak at what you can expect in the new year: 

ISHT is Getting Real

Life isn't just a collection of pretty photographs. My life can certainly be messy and I'm excited to share a bit more of that with you all on the blog. As awkward as taking video selfies can be on Instagram Stories I think it's a great way for you all to see what's going on behind the scenes. Whether my house is a mess, i'm working on tomorrow's blog post at 2AM or the dog destroyed yet another pair of shoes. I'm excited to share even more with you in the new year. 

Home Decor

One thing you guys always seem to love is when I show parts of our apartment. Granted, an apartment is never really "home," but with a new home on the way you can expect plenty of home decor posts and DIY hacks.  J and I are both really excited to plan it all out and we plan on including you all in the process. 

Get to Know J

I talk about J all the time on this little site of mine, but he only posts 1 - 2 times a year. I think having a guy's perspective on things is so helpful, and he's often been the source of a ton of great insight for my best friends. SO, we're planning on J joining the blog more often in 2018. 

Healthy Meals

I love creating food, recipes and cocktails for you and am excited to continue doing so in the new year. But, as J and I get healthier and healthier we plan to showcase what we eat when we aren't splurging, but instead are having a normal night in. Health has taken a big priority for us over the past year, so i'm looking forward to letting you all in on that too! 

There's plenty more to come outside of what i've outline above, but the best part of this space for me has always been you. That being said, if there's anything you want to see here on the blog let me know in a quick comment below. Or, send me a DM on Instagram - there's nothing I love more than getting to know you!

Happy New Year and thank you for making this one of the best years yet!




Shop My Look: 


Winter Pinks


Classic Holiday Party Makeup